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What's the Difference Between LED Video Display and LCD Screens?

It seems as if modern displays have all kinds of different labels: high definition, 3D, smart, 4K, 4K Ultra, the list goes on. The two most common labels are LCD and LED. What’s the difference between the two? Is there a difference? And does this difference make one or the other preferable for certain types of activities like gaming or graphic design?


What's the Difference Between LED Video Display and LCD Screens?


Before explaining the difference between LED and LCD displays, we should highlight that the demand for this type of product for shop windows is booming for several reasons. One of them is that LED screens fulfill their function much better than their predecessors, LCD screens, because of the excellent image quality they provide and their ability to attract the attention of passers-by on the public highway.

But what is the difference between the two technologies? First of all, the technology of any LED TV is similar to that of the LCD screen, since, technically, they are also an LCD (these are the acronyms of the concept ‘liquid crystal screen’). However, there is a fundamental difference between the two: the generation of light. In the case of LCDs, the light is provided by neon tubes, whereas it is LED bulbs (light-emitting diodes) perform this function in LED displays.


The reason why LED is better than LCD

In view of the above, we should consider that LED technology has an advantage over LCD, as the lighting is much more uniform.

On the other hand, the number of diodes on LEDs are than the number of neon tubes on LCD screens, which means that the lighting is higher quality. In addition, this makes LED displays thinner. The color contrast is also higher, providing a sharper and higher quality image.

Another advantage of LED displays over LCDs is that they will save electricity for your company. For example, the power consumption of the LED display can reduce the power consumption by up to 50% in comparison to similar LCD TV with the same operating hours and.

Another benefit of LED has to do with the conservation of the planet. The reason is that LED, being a mercury-free technology – unlike other monitors – is more environmentally friendly and sustainable. It is also better for people’s health, as exposure to mercury, even in very small quantities, can cause serious problems and harm fetuses when it comes to pregnant women. Mercury is equally toxic to the digestive system, the nervous and immune systems, the skin, the eyes, the lungs, and the kidneys.

Want more advantages of LED over LCD? Here’s another one that will help improve your business numbers: while the life of an LCD is usually no more than 60,000 hours, until its light source burns out, LED displays can run for between 60,000 and 100,000 hours. However, it’s not just about quantity, but also quality: while LED TVs are equipped with technology that always provides an optimal color palette, even when the color starts to fade, the LCD starts to show more and more black dots in the picture, due to continuous use (and corresponding to neon tubes that have stopped working).

And since we are talking about image quality, we should also refer to the behavior of the liquid crystal displays – both LEDs and LCDs – when they are directly affected by sunlight. For example, when we are in front of LED screens in shop windows or giant led displays that emit during daylight hours (video scoreboards in stadiums would be a case in point). In this context, only LED technology can guarantee optimal viewing conditions at any time of day.

In relation to outdoor displays, we should also bear in mind that they require special protection, both against rain and vandalism. When this happens, only professional LED displays can offer this advantage..

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